In Pencil

For A and S.


She tossed her long hair over her shoulder, her head thrown back in laughter at something her friend said. Her eyes were crinkled at the corners, her cheeks full with happiness as she fell forward, her shoulders shaking. The world seemed to move in slow motion when she was around, a perfect encapsulation of her own name.


She was here every day, sitting in the same seat with her friend. He wasn’t entirely sure of her friend’s name, but he knew hers.




His heart skipped a beat.


He abruptly tore his gaze away, faintly disgusted with himself for how utterly ‘romantic-comedy’ he was being right now. He shook his head, turning back to the sketchpad sitting in front of him.


His hand moved freely, sweeping lines across the page with his pencil, his lower lip drawn between his teeth. He leaned back briefly to examine his work, before moving to shade one of the curves.


“Arnav!” Arnav jumped at the voice, slamming the book shut. He glanced up to see Akash approaching, his gaze narrowing. Akash settled himself next to Arnav, raising an eyebrow. “What were you doing?”


“Studying.” He said, hoping his voice didn’t sound too unsteady. Akash regarded him for a moment before shrugging casually, not pushing the matter any further.


“Look man, I have tickets to the basketball game tonight. You coming?” Akash asked, fiddling with one of Arnav’s pens. Arnav resisted the urge to snatch his pen out of his cousin’s hands, barely suppressing his irritation.


He glanced at Khushi, who was still sitting with her friend. She was gesturing animatedly, her long earrings swinging as she shook her head. He forced his gaze back to Akash, shaking his head.


“Uh… I think I’ll stay here. I’ve got a midterm to study for.” He said, fiddling with the edges of his sketchbook.


Akash stared at him for a moment. He followed Arnav’s gaze to where it had been, his mouth pulling up into a smirk.


“Really? Khushi Gupta?”


Arnav’s cheeks felt hot and he looked away from Akash, rolling his eyes. “Just because I was looking in her general direction?” He asked, hating the telling note in his voice.


“Well done.” Akash said dryly. “Although, I think her friend is prettier. Payal Krishnan.” He gestured lightly at her with his head. Arnav glanced at her, slightly relieved to finally have a name for the friend.


“How do you know her?”

“Payal? She’s in my dorm.”


Arnav made a noise of agreement, still focused on Payal’s friend. He couldn’t help but admire her vibrancy, the ease with which she seemed to bubble with happiness.


Akash watched his cousin, feeling a touch of pity for Arnav. Someone like Khushi Gupta ran in entirely different circles from them.


“But hey, Khushi Gupta and Payal Krishnan are… not exactly in our league, are they?” He said lightly, trying to soften the situation.


Arnav smiled ruefully, knowing Akash was right. He drew his gaze away from Khushi, turning back to Akash with a shake of his head. “ Yeah… so what were you saying about that football game?” He asked, changing the topic. Akash immediately brightened, waxing lyrical about their starting forward.


Arnav reluctantly packed up. He hated to leave his sketches halfway, but he couldn’t have Akash suspecting that he…


He glanced over his shoulder at her, trying to commit her to memory. His gaze caught a deep hazel just as she looked up from the textbook, her eyes widening in surprise. They froze for a split second before her face relaxed into a small smile.


He felt Akash touch his shoulder and turned around, wondering if he had imagined it.



“Arnav?” He turned around, hearing his supervisor’s voice behind him. He gave Noah a smile as the rest of the class filed out around him, shooting him glares as he pushed back through.


“Yeah, Noah?” He struggled not to glance over obviously to the woman standing by his side.


“Khushi would like some extra tutoring.” Arnav took the chance to look over at Khushi, who was standing with her lips pressed into a thin line by his supervisor’s side. “You’re listed as the only person who can tutor Math 375.”


Arnav swallowed nervously, nodding. “Of course.” The supervisor nodded, and then walked away, leaving Khushi and Arnav to stare at each other. Khushi shifted from foot to foot awkwardly. He could see that she was embarrassed, her cheeks tinged with pink.


He directed a smile at Khushi, who didn’t smile back. “Take a seat.” He said, gesturing to the chair beside him. She dropped her backpack down, sinking into the seat. They sat awkwardly for a couple of minutes, unsure as to what to say.


Arnav cleared his throat. “Hi. I’m Arnav. I’m a sophomore, I’m studying computer and electrical engineering.” He said, sticking out his hand.


She sighed heavily, reluctantly taking it. “Khushi. I’m a freshman, I’m studying political science. And I really don’t want to be here right now.”


“I hadn’t guessed.” Arnav deadpanned.


She didn’t laugh.


He exhaled a quick breath, forcing a smile back onto his face. “So… political science. Why Math 375?”


“I thought it would be interesting. And I like math. Or I did until this class.” She muttered, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back.


She was wearing black jeans paired with a thin striped white shirt and a deep maroon blazer, her long hair pulled up into a high ponytail. Her bright pink backpack seemed out of place with her attire, something so sophisticated worn with that.


Arnav nodded slowly. “So what’s the issue with this class in particular?”


“I hate theory. I don’t know why I took this fucking class.” Arnav choked on his sip of water when she swore, all of his blood rushing south. He adjusted himself in his seat, running a hand through his hair.


Fuck, that was hot.


She hastily glanced up at him, bright spots of pink blooming on her cheeks. “Um… sorry, I didn’t mean to swear. I curse like a sailor.”


Arnav smiled ruefully, shrugging. “No harm done. I-”


“Wouldn’t have expected it? Yeah, I know, I look like the prissy sheltered girl.” Khushi snapped, far too defensively. Arnav’s mouth snapped shut. There was a tense silence.


“Actually, I was going to say that I swear like a sailor too.” He said quietly, pinning her under a deep caramel gaze. Khushi looked up, embarrassment flooding her cheeks. She gave him a small smile, relaxing.


“I’m sorry. I just… people always underestimate me, you know? I’m not… I’m not stupid.” She said, bitterness lacing the last couple of words. She fell silent, and then looked up, her eyes blazing. “And I don’t need a tutor. I can figure this out myself.”


Arnav didn’t say anything. Khushi slouched back in the chair, a scowl on her face as she looked away. He regarded her for a long moment, watching as she twisted the cap on her pen.


“Alright. We don’t have to tutor.” He said, shrugging. Her eyes snapped to his, widening in surprise. “But… we can study together. For the class.” His gaze was sharp as he waited for her reaction.


She pressed her lips together, and swallowed audibly. “Alright.” She said quietly, turning to him with wary eyes. A shadow of a smile crossed over his face, and he pulled out his textbook.


“So… would you like to study Math 375 with me?” He asked. She looked up at him incredulously, opening her mouth to argue. But the amusement flickering behind his eyes stopped her, and she found herself restraining laughter instead.


She bit her lip, nodding as she pulled out the textbook.



Khushi snuck a glance at him out of her peripheral vision. He was leaning back on two legs of the chair, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he studied the book in front of him. He pushed his glasses up his nose, shaking his head to dispel the lock of hair that had fallen onto his forehead.


He was wearing a plaid shirt in an ugly yellow and black, the cuffs rolled up to reveal his forearms, smudged with the pencil he had been working with. He had an atrocious sense of style, but there was something… endearing about it.


She could just reach over and brush that hair off of his forehead and…


She sucked in a sharp breath, willing her mind to focus on the triple integrals in front of her. There was no way he would be interested in a girl like her. She just wasn’t… his type.  


It had been three months since he had been… studying with her, and she couldn’t deny that it had helped. Immensely.


He had a way of explaining concepts that just made them easy to understand. And there was the fact that his voice was like rich chocolate, melting her through as she listened to him.


She snuck another glance at him, watching as his pencil moved across the page with ease. He was sketching something, as he always did when she was working on a problem set he had given her.


She had never seen him without that sketchbook. He never used colors, only his pencil, sometimes flying across the page and sometimes lingering as he bent forward to meticulously add details. His glasses inevitably slid down his nose and he would push them up, running a hand through his unruly hair.


Damn it. She really needed to focus on these problems.


Shaking her head to clear it, she turned her gaze back down to the endless stream of Greek letters, trying fruitlessly to focus.


He subtly glanced at her profile. He barely needed to look down at his paper as he sketched the little upturn of her nose, skimming down to the curve of her neck. His eyes dropped lower and he suddenly felt the need to avert his gaze.


He looked down at his paper, a deep tug in his groin as he sketched the fabric. He took a deep breath as he drew the gentle curve the fabric swept dangerously low over, drawing her hands fisted in the cloth.


There was something about her that refused to let him draw anything… more, as he had occasionally done of other subjects. She was different.


He looked up, and met her gaze. His hand stopped working, his gaze locked on hers. His eyes were darker than she had ever seen them, glinting behind his glasses. They sent tremors of pleasant heat through her, blood rushing through her veins as he stared at her.


She swallowed, the heat pooling in her stomach as his gaze lingered.


He blinked, color rising up his cheeks as he tore his gaze away. He cleared his throat. “So… how are the uh… problems going?” He asked, giving his head a shake as he pulled her notebook towards him.


“They’re fine. This stuff is similar to second semester calculus, it’s not that difficult.” She said, her voice huskier than she had intended it to be. She saw his gaze flick up towards her and then back down again, stopping on her lips.


He squinted as he looked at one of the problems, leaning closer. “What region are you integrating over? And where is your sketch of this one?” He asked. She leaned in closer to look and he nearly groaned, the heady scent of her driving him crazy. She pointed to a tiny figure in the corner. His eyes followed her hand, suddenly envisioning them wrapped around that fabric, loosening slowly as she would…


Shit. He really needed to control himself.


“The front of that figure right there.”


He leaned closer, laughter in his voice as he spoke. “Seriously? That’s your figure? It’s tiny, how on Earth do you see anything in that?”


She glowered, unamused by his teasing. He always made fun of her for her atrocious handwriting, forever harping on her to draw bigger figures. “I can see it just fine. It’s right there!” She said, stabbing at the paper with her finger.


“Really?” He drawled, his voice infuriatingly amused.


She looked up at him to snap back but the words died on her lips when she realized just how close they were sitting. She could see the little scar above his eyebrow, the indentation on his nose where his glasses sat. He was so close, far too close.


Awareness crept in, making her skin tingle as she caught the unnamable flicker in his eyes. She tilted her head up, her limbs heavy as their noses remained just millimeters apart. She moved closer, her eyes dropping down to his lips as she turned more fully towards him, brushing up against-




They sprung apart as if they had been burned, her calculator falling to the floor. He expelled a breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he hastily turned away from her. He could see the deep red spread across her cheeks as she picked her calculator up, her lips pressed together.


He fingered the edge of his sketchbook, closing his eyes in frustration. He would never be able to forget the way her hazel eyes darkened as she looked up at him, the little gold flecks at the edges brighter than ever as her lips parted sensuously.


He was going to be sketching for hours.


He thought dourly. He had hoped his sketching would have put an end to this ridiculous infatuation with her.


“What do you sketch?” Her voice interrupted his thoughts. He froze, his heart tightening nervously.


“Um… just… things I see.” He said vaguely, hoping she would drop the subject. Her eyes lit up in interest, and he cursed mentally.


“Like people?”


“Ah… yeah, sometimes.” He said. She leaned back quietly, and he realized he wanted to tell her more, ignoring the warnings in his brain telling him it was getting too close. “It sounds creepy but…” He said sheepishly, “people are interesting subjects.” He finished.


She smiled. “They are. I love studying people. Their interactions are fascinating.”


He nodded, their gazes meeting. The silence surrounding them was comfortable, and neither of them wanted to break it. He sighed, reluctantly glancing at the clock.


“I should go. I promised Akash I would be back to watch the basketball game with him.”


Khushi nodded, helping him collect the various items they had spread across the table as they worked. She handed him things as he put them into his bag. She hesitated before picking up his sketchbook to hand to him.


“Your sketchbook too?” She asked.


“Yeah, hand me that too. I can’t seem to find my favorite pen…” He muttered, glancing around the table. She picked the sketchbook up, but a paper slid out of it, fluttering onto the floor. She bent down to pick it up, finding his pen on the ground with it.


“I found it.” She called from underneath the table. But she stilled when she turned the paper over, her heart freezing. The rush of blood in her head seemed entirely too loud in her ears as she stared at it.


It was a sketch of her, dressed in nothing but a blanket that fell strategically around her body. It was clutched in her fist, her hair tumbling around her shoulder in loose waves. She had her lip pulled between her teeth, her eyes wide as she looked up at someone.




She could scarcely breathe, the image making her furious while unexpected warmth spread through her. She let out a shaky breath, looking up from the image to see him duck out from underneath the table with a smile, his glasses slightly crooked.


He adjusted them and walked up to her, reaching for the pen she silently handed to him. His brow furrowed in confusion, slightly taken aback by her suddenly cool demeanor.


“Is this one of your drawings?” She asked, her voice deathly quiet as she handed the paper to him.


He stiffened, his heart pounding in his chest as he took the paper from her hands. He swallowed nervously, his mouth drying as he glanced down at it. He closed his eyes, pressing his lips together.




He looked back up at her, her expression unreadable as she stared at him.


“Yes.” He said quietly.


“Why?” She asked. He remained silent. “Why would you do this to me? What on earth possessed you to draw… this, this picture of me?! Why the fuck would you do this to me, Arnav?” She asked, her voice trembling.


“I- I don’t understand. Is this some sort of game? Did someone put you up to drawing this? Are you selling these? Why the fuck- why would you do this, Arnav?” She asked, anger punctuating every word. He stayed quiet.


“Why would you do this?!” She asked again, shoving at him. He grabbed her wrist as she spun around to leave, whirling her back towards him. She breathed heavily, forced to tilt her head up to look at him.


“Because I like you!” His voice was a whisper but it was as if he had yelled it, frustration lacing his words. “I can’t stop thinking of you! You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you’re funny and you’re so damn addictive.”


Her eyes widened in surprise but he wasn’t done, continuing. “I can’t… I can’t think straight around you. You drive me absolutely nuts, and this… this was the only way I could…” He broke off, struggling to find words to explain. She stared at him, completely stunned.


His grip loosened around her wrist, and he took a step back. They looked at each other for a long moment, tension crackling in the air.


“No one has ever seen these. They’re mine.” He said quietly, his voice almost defeated. “I’m… sorry. I never intended for…” He trailed off, and then shook his head. “I’m sorry.” He said simply.


She didn’t say anything, not meeting his gaze. He regarded her quietly and then gave a slight nod of his head, turning to pick his backpack up.




He froze, turning slowly back around. She walked up to him, tilting her head up until their lips were a whisper apart. Her eyelids were heavy, and she could feel his sharp intake of breath as she stood just millimeters away from him.


They stood like that for a heavy moment before he slowly leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. She sighed into the kiss, lacing her arms around his neck as she pulled him closer.


They reluctantly broke the kiss, breathing heavily. His forehead leaned against hers for a moment, his eyes darker than she had ever seen them. A spark of intent glimmered in them, and his hands cupped her face, tilting her head up to take her lips in a searing kiss.


A moan vibrated in his throat as her tongue swept across his bottom lip, her hands tugging at his hair. He backed her up against the bookcase in the corner, relishing in the quiet sighs that spilled from her lips. His lips left hers to trail across her jaw, placing infuriatingly light kisses all the way up to the base of her ears.


His head dipped lower, his teeth grazing her collarbone as he cupped her breast through her shirt. She arched up into him, pulling his head up for a deep kiss. Her eyes were drugged with want, and she murmured his name, her hands reaching for his belt.


He laughed huskily as she fumbled with it, finally tugging it off with a curse word. He bent down for another kiss, smiling against her lips as they pulled away so she could take off his glasses. Goosebumps erupted on her skin as he pressed hot kisses across the expanse of her skin revealed by the unbuttoning of her shirt.


His hands slid down to the edge of her skirt, and he met her gaze, silently asking her if it was okay. She nodded, leaning in for a soft kiss. His hands slid up her thighs and she shivered when she felt the heat of his palms against her bare skin. His fingers slowly slid into her, and she gasped his name, her eyelids fluttering shut. He gently thrust them back in, his eyes darkening as her head fell back in pleasure, her lips parted.


He fumbled with his wallet, rolling on a condom quickly. She laughed huskily when he cursed, but it quickly turned into a moan when he kissed her deeply. He lifted her legs around his waist, thrusting in a smooth stroke. They stayed there for a moment, and her fingers ghosted across the scar just above his eyebrow.


He slowly began to move, burying his head in the crook of her neck. She bit her lip, her breath coming out in shuddering gasps. He whispered her name against her skin, lifting his head to take her lips in a drugging kiss.


His movements grew uncontrolled as their pleasure grew, her nails indenting his skin. She lifted her hips to match his thrusts, straining towards that elusive peak. Her legs tightened around him as she murmured his name thickly, her head falling back.


“Please.” Her voice was hoarse with need. He struggled to maintain the last strands of control, thrusting deeply as he tilted her face up to capture her lips in a heated kiss, their tongues tangling together.


“Look at me.” He murmured, pulling back. Her eyes snapped open, hazy with desire. His control shattered and he slammed into her, coming apart just as she clenched around him, his name a low cry on her lips. She shuddered with pleasure, gasping.


He braced himself against the wall, breathing heavily. He turned his face to press a gentle kiss to her lips. She deepened in, sighing softly.


They adjusted their clothing, relieved that they were in a secluded location in the library, late at night. She leaned into him, smiling against his lips as she ran her finger over the rim of his glasses.


“They’re crooked.” She murmured, straightening them.


“Mm.” She fingered the top button of his shirt, looking up at him through her lashes. His face grew serious as he wrapped an arm around her waist.


“I’m sorry, Khushi, I didn’t mean-”


“I know.” She said softly, cutting him off. He nodded, relief showing on his face.


She tilted her head up, still playing with the top button, her expression inscrutable. “But… if you really want to make it up to me… you could show me the other sketches and maybe… we could make sure they’re… accurate.” He caught the wicked glint in her eyes, not fooled by the innocence in her voice.


“I guess I could arrange that.” He said, kissing her as he lifted her on to the table.


She hummed in pleasure, sliding back on the table as she whispered huskily in his ear.


“Apology accepted.”


Note: Long time, no BTD! Sorry about the er, dry spell. The… descriptive sketching was inspired by a romance novel, a fanfic, and a touch of real life. I hope you enjoyed it, and as always, please do let me know what you think with a like or a comment. 

For update notifications, please follow @chotidesi on Twitter or this blog.

Love always,


Bura Nahi Lagta (mature)

“Jiji, humein kapde toh badalne do na.”


He opened his mouth to correct her assumption, but decided against it seeing her furrowed brow. He could tell that she was confused by his behavior earlier, by his choice to dance with her like that.


His eyes swept over the large expanse of skin that was exposed by her blouse, the dark green fabric contrasting with her pale skin. He knew what would happen if he trailed his fingers across that skin. He could practically feel the goosebumps erupt, see her biting her lip in a failed effort to hold her pleasure back.


He felt the pull of desire, the curl in his stomach that had been ignited by that dance.


Not that he needed to dance with her for her to affect him.


He had realized a long time ago that Khushi Kumari Gupta could show up in those pom poms and she would still make him crazy with need.


“Samajhte kya hain apne aap ko. Humein faraq nahi padtha! Unhe shaayad-”


She broke off, her eyes widening in horror as she finally caught a glimpse of him leaning against the doorframe, a smirk playing on his lips.


She was just as affected as he was.


Koi faraq nahi padtha toh ruk kyun gayi?”


He saw her swallow nervously, averting her gaze.


“Kya hua? Chup kyun ho gayi?”




He pushed himself off of the doorframe, walking towards her. He saw the shock in her eyes, and relished the way she nervously stumbled backwards.


“Tum itna dar kyun rahi ho? Main tumhe kha thodi jaunga.”


The innuendo wasn’t lost on her, and she flushed deeply, her gaze focused on the ground as he forced her closer to the mirror.


Her hands clenched in his hair, holding him in place as he placed kisses up her thigh…


Her sharp intake of breath told him she was remembering the same moment, and he felt the slow smile spread across his face. He pushed her further back towards the mirror, glancing down at her hands, which were fisting in the fabric.


“Tum hamesha peeche kyun jaati ho?”


“Kyunki a-aap ha-hamesha aage aate h-hain?”


There was a poignant silence as they stared at each other, his eyes raking over her body as she leaned closer to the mirror. She closed her eyes in anticipation, awaiting what she knew was next.


Ab time waste karna band karo, aur jaldi neeche aa jao. Sab wait kar rahe hain.”


Her eyes flew open in surprise as he stepped away abruptly.


That was all? He wasn’t going to- stop it, Khushi! Buaji would use you to fuel the fire for the havan if she kenw what you were thinking.


He saw the surprise cross her face, mingling with displeasure that she hastened to hide. He turned to leave, watching out of the corner of his eye as she placed a hand over her heart.


She looked up when he strode back towards her, his hand reaching for the clip in her hair. His eyes focused on the hair that tumbled down her back, just the way he liked it.


Especially when that hair was fanned out across his white sheets, or falling around his face as she leaned over him with a teasing smile.


“Ab theekh hai.”


She reached a hand up to her hair, touching the loose locks.


“Waise yeh rang tum pe…”


He trailed off, shamelessly letting his gaze wander over her figure.


“Itna bhi bura nahi lagta. Lekin-”


She loooked up in surprise, waiting for his next statement. He stepped closer, leaning in to murmur in her ear.


“It would look better on the floor.”


Her mouth fell open in an ‘o’, and he took advantage of her temporary paralysis, swiftly undoing the pin holding her pallu in place. She gasped, clutching it to her chest as her eyes shot up to his.


He slowly undid her fist from the pallu, gathering the fabric into his hands. He tugged lightly, the folds easily coming loose from the petticoat as the fabric pooled on the ground beside him.


He lifted his hand to her ears, removing the last of her jewelry as he gently took them out, placing them on the dresser.


She turned away from him, failing to realize that he could see everything in the mirror. He slid his hand along her stomach, mimicking his movements from earlier as she took in a shuddering breath.


“Arnav, yeh-


She ended in a moan of pleasure as he placed his lips at the base of her neck, suckling and nibbling at the skin. His hand toyed with the thread holding her petticoat up, slowly beginning to unravel the knot.


His lips dragged across her shoulders, moving closer and closer to the bow that held her blouse together. She squirmed, trying to alleviate the pressure building in her as his teeth grasped the dori, undoing it with a sharp tug.


Her hands went up to clutch the blouse to her chest as his other hand snapped open the brooch, before trailing down her spine slowly.


“Arnav, please- oh!


Her hands fell away from her chest as her petticoat dropped to the ground, his nimble fingers slipping underneath the soaked green lace and between the wet folds.


“You’re wearing it.”


He murmured in her ear, pulling at the lobe with his teeth as she bucked her hips against his palm, his fingers slowly pumping in and out.




She bit down on her lip sharply as he took the sensitive peak between his fingers, rubbing in slow circles. She writhed against him, begging him to bring her to the release she was craving.


He abruptly slipped his fingers out of her, stepping away from her. Her eyes opened, murky with need, her cheeks tinged a deep pink. She struggled to catch her breath, her fingers shaking.


“You can’t just-”


She broke off, unable to finish the sentence. He saw her blush darken when she realized she was ready to beg him to fuck her, her eyes flitting about the room.


“I can’t just? Everyone is waiting, Khushi. I think we should go.”


Her eyes flashed angrily, and she stepped forward, pushing him towards the wall.


“How dare you? You can’t just- leave me like this!”


“Can’t I, Khushi?”




He flipped them around so he was pinning her to the wall, his hard length pressed against her. She pressed her lips together, determined to not give him what he was asking her to do.


He ground his hips into her, allowing her to feel him. He lifted his fingers, pulling at the stiff peaks of her breasts through the thin lace bra he had given her, running his thumbs along the edge. Her eyes closed as a breathless moan escaped her, her small hands blindly reaching for his belt.


“Do you want me to… make you come, Khushi?”


He kissed the base of her ear, tugging the zipper of his pants down as he kicked them away. She could feel him rubbing against her through the flimsy lace, and struggled to control herself.




Her voice was thick, and he finally gave in, slamming himself into her. She buried her face against his shoulder as he lifted her legs around his waist, his hands cupping her ass as he thrust deep inside of her.


She could see their entwined figures in the mirror, his back strained as he pounded into her. Her heels dug into his skin, her cries muffled against his shoulder. She clutched him to her tightly as his hand moved up to cup her face, tilting it towards him to press a heated kiss to her lips.


Her head spun as he lifted her slightly, driving into her again and again. He forced himself to slow down, her muted cry nearly breaking his self control.


“Look at me, Khushi.”


She shook her head against his shoulder, and he thrust into her once, before pulling out until he was just barely lodged in her.




He could feel her writhing against him, the throbbing ache torturing her. She raised her eyes to meet his, her eyes glassy and swirling with a desire reserved for him.


He pulled her hips sharply into his, driving himself deep as she clenched around him, sobbing his name. Her voice made his head spin with pounding need , and he came apart with a low groan, barely holding her up against the wall.


He placed her legs on the ground shakily, still trying to steady himself. He turned around to give her privacy, as she undid the bra, slipping on the blouse she was supposed to change into.


It didn’t seem right to watch her change, even after what they had just shared.


Sab wait kar rahe hain. Jaldi aa jao.”


He strode out of the room, trying to tame his racing pulse.


He had realized today that it was no longer just about the explosive physical chemistry between them.


Perhaps it never really had been just that.




He glanced across the room, seeing Khushi step out. She looked stunning, and it took all of his strength to not pull her behind a pillar and take her again.


“Inti der kyun laga di? Kya hua?”


Payal’s soft, worried voice floated across the room, and he watched as Khushi smiled nervously, shaking her head.


And just as he had expected, she raised her eyes to meet his gaze, awareness creeping into them. A smirk curved his lips, and her eyes widened in horror.


Don’t you dare-


He raised a hand to his ear, watching as she mimicked his motion, her brow furrowing in confusion. Her brow cleared in understanding, a blush filling her face as she recalled just why she wasn’t wearing earrings.


She lifted her eyes back to him, and he gave her an imperceptible nod. His heart sped up at the small, secretive smile that played at the edge of her lips, her hair falling forward to cover the empty earlobe.


She accepted her win gracefully, smiling and nodding at all the congratulations. Her smile faded slightly when she felt his burning gaze, her grip tightening around the statue of a dancing Shiva.


Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, she mouthed a quiet ‘shukriya’, before hastily averting her gaze.


She could have sworn that he had winked.


Note: In honor of the (in)famous undoing of the dori, the fish, and the stars. 

Assassin (Both Parts)

“When was the last time you engaged in sexual activity?”




“Four months?”


“Six months?”


“It’s been a while.”


“It seems as if… she’s distant.”


“I’m distant? It feels as if he’s distant.”


They looked over at each other, before looking away. Lavanya shook her head, looking down at the list of questions once more before turning back to the couple.


“I think you guys need to try communicating in a different way. Maybe start by telling your partner something they don’t know about you. Start with the little things, and work up to the big things.”


She inhaled sharply, glancing at him. She heard him take in a breath too, his eyes determinedly focused on their counselor.


Lavanya smiled brightly at them, wishing them the best of luck with this challenge. Hopefully, it would reignite their marriage.


They stepped out of the counselor’s office together, silence thickening the air with tension.


“What’s for dinner?”


“Dal chawal.”


“Of course.”


She simply nodded, and they continued walking down the street, their bodies reflecting the distance between them.




“How was work?”




He nodded, taking a bite of the dal chawal. He reached for the glass of water. She calmly continued to spoon the food into her mouth. He stretched, finally giving up and getting up from his seat to grab the glass and pour it for himself.


“How was work for you?”


“The usual.”


She smiled faintly. The buzzing of her phone broke the silence. She glanced across the table at him, but he was too engrossed in eating the food, not even paying attention to her.


Sighing, she hit accept.


“It’ll happen. Don’t worry.”


She ended the call, her voice curt and brisk. She put her phone down to see him looking up at her, his plate empty.


“Everything alright?”


“Just work. I have a deadline.”


He nodded, picking up his plate and walking into the kitchen. She heard him turn on the tap, the scrubbing of the sponge against the ceramic.


“I’m going to sleep. Long day.”


She acknowledged him with a nod, and continued to eat, not changing her pace at all.




She slipped into bed next to him, noting the way his breathing was deep and steady. He was curled up next to her, his mouth open slightly.


He was in deep sleep.


She reached over to her bedside drawer, pulling it out as quietly as she could, taking care not to wake him up. She checked for bullets, looking over the weapon.


She glanced back at him, checking that he was sound asleep. She closed her eyes tightly as she lifted the gun. It was a few centimeters from his forehead, her finger on the trigger.


Swallowing, she took in a shuddering breath.


One second, and it would all be over.


She opened her eyes again, sweeping over his face one, last time. She shook her head, determined to see this through. Her finger tightened on the trigger, and she prepared herself for the noise, squeezing her eyes shut tightly when-




She heard the familiar shot of the gun, but she was flipped over on the bed, a heavy weight on top of her. Her hands were pinned above her head in a fiece grip, just tight enough to keep her from moving.


She could see the bullet hole clearly. It had ricocheted away, making a hole in the wall across from their bed.


She heard a click, and felt the cold metal being pressed against her temple.


She looked up to see glinting, caramel eyes staring back at her.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Arnav?”


He snorted derisively, the gun still pressed to her temple. His other hand tightened on her wrists. She stayed stock still, knowing that one move could get her killed.


“I should be asking you that, shouldn’t I, Khushi?”


“You’re supposed to be dead.”


She spit, her eyes flashing in frustration.


“So are you. It’s a pity I messed up the poisoning. Would have been quick and painless.”


They stared at each other, heavy breathing the only sound in the room. She could hear the thud of her heartbeat against her chest, her adrenaline rushing as she realized that she would be dead the very next instant.

He slid the gun down her face, making her shiver. It rested at the base of her neck, pressed into the skin.


“I should have known. Tell me Khushi, why are you trying to kill me?”


“I should be asking you that, shouldn’t I, Arnav?”


She mimicked his words from earlier, and he smiled slightly. He stared at her, her eyes looking up at him expectantly. They were shuttered, but he could see the fierce glint behind them, the jump in her nerves.


He felt her shift slightly underneath him and held back a groan. Her hips were grinding into his, and he knew she could feel his pulsing hardness against her.


The passion was still there, apparently. Even though they had tried to suppress it.


He now knew why she had been so distant, of course. She was trying to assassinate him. There was no way she could let her emotions get in the way.


He remembered the day clearly, the day they had been assigned to kill the other.

They had deceived each other, stealing the most important assets right from underneath the other’s nose.

He had stolen his documents, the ones that another agent had taken from him.


But he had been shocked when he had seen her slipping away with his documents just days later, her slim figure unmistakable.

And then, once she was safely out of his range, she had turned around… and winked.


He would recognize that figure anywhere.


His hands loosened on her wrist, and within seconds, she had flipped him around, straddling him. He could see the lace peeking out of the loose shirt… his shirt.


The gun clicked, and she had her own gun pressed to his head. The cool, rounded metal was pressed against his skin now, her lips inches from his.


“First rule. Don’t ever get distracted.”


He could feel her hot breath on his lips, the familiar mint. He smiled, shaking his head as he lifted his hand up to her temple.


“Second rule. Immobilize your target.”


They each had a gun at the other’s head, their eyes fixed on each other. The air was thick with tension as they stared at each other, guns pressed to each other’s foreheads. He could feel his veins pounding, knowing that just one, stray move…


“Shoot me, Khushi.”




He felt her finger tighten slightly on the trigger, but not enough to set it off.


“Do it, Khushi.”


She pressed it into his skin, and he could feel the indentation. He closed his eyes.


This was it.


He loosened his fingers on his own gun, allowing it to drop to the floor next to them with a loud thud.


He expected to feel a sharp pain through his head, something similar to the last time a bullet had shot through his arm.


Only this time, he would have been dead seconds later.


But instead, he heard the clatter of a gun sliding across the polished wood floors. His eyes snapped open, but before he had time to react, she had crashed her lips down onto his, her hands sliding through his hair and pulling roughly. Her teeth nipped at his lips, her tongue thrusting into his mouth and tangling with his.


He was momentarily frozen, completely shocked.


She hadn’t kissed him in months.


Not since…


He lost his train of thought when she began to place light kisses down his throat, tugging impatiently at his shirt. She leaned back as he reached down, pulling it over his head and tossing it into a corner.


She didn’t give him time to focus, bending down and stroking her tongue over his sensitive nipple. He groaned as her teeth grazed it, her mouth warm against his skin. She didn’t stop, placing kisses all the way down his stomach until her hands came to the waistband of his flannel bottoms.


She gave him a searing look before reaching down between them, stroking him with a torturously light touch through the fabric. She tugged his pants down along with his boxer briefs, pausing momentarily.


He could feel the anticipation course through his veins as she pulled her hair back, her cool breath blowing softly against the hardness. Her fingers trailed along the length, moving down before slowly stroking it back up.


This had to be a special form of hell.


She leaned down, before taking him into her mouth. His hips bucked forward, an anguished groan escaping his lips. The wet heat of her mouth was almost too much for him to take.


She swirled her tongue around the tip, making his fingers fist in the soft fabric of their sheets as he gasped out a protest. He could feel her slight smirk as she continued, her hands coming up to aid in her task.


“Khushi, stop. Are you trying to kill me?”


She paused, releasing him, the irony of the statement not lost on her.


His voice was hoarse with desire, and he pulled her head up to meld their lips together in a searing kiss. They broke apart so he could pull her shirt off, snapping her bra off and tossing it to the ground.


Before he could touch her, he felt her slick heat sliding against him, taking him into her fully. He could see her biting her lip, holding back a moan as she felt him press against her.


She lifted her hips, her skin slapping against him as she began to move. She leaned over him, her breasts brushing against his skin teasingly. His hands reached up to cup them, kneading them possesively.


She gasped in surprise, her eyes fluttering shut, her body temporarily stilled by the feeling of his fingers rolling the hard peaks between them. He slid his hands further downwards, grasping her hips and encouraging her into a blinding rhythm.


She could feel herself beginning to reach a peak, her head thrown back. He fondled her breasts, letting the heavy weight bounce in his hands as the pace of their movements increased.


In one, swift move, he stilled her, flipping them over. Her hair was slightly damp with sweat, spread out across the white pillow in a mass of black. He bent down, suckling hard on her breast as he thrust into her once.


She moaned, unable to contain her pleasure any longer. He pulled out slowly, before slamming into her once more, making her hands reach back and grasp the headboard. He buried his face into her shoulder, his thrusts frenzied and desperate.


He felt her clench around him, her hips arching into his as his name split the room in a keening cry. He covered her lips, continuing to thrust until he felt himself let go, the pulsing ache finally ebbing as he collapsed against her.


He glanced down at his wife, her eyes glazed over in satisfaction. She smiled slightly as her eyes met his, a wry grin curving her lips.


“Death by orgasm?”


He laughed, shaking his head. He sobered quickly, realizing the weight of their situation.


“Where do we go from here, Khushi?”


She looked at him, her eyes quietly accepting.


“We run.”



Note: And that’s part two! I’m a little out of practice, and I just felt like writing this for fun. It was a nice break from vector spaces! Maybe I’ll write another one soon 😉

*This was inspired by Mr. and Mrs. Smith- and H.G.R. 

Red Pen (mature)

“This is utter bullshit!”


He barged into her office, slamming the door behind him as he unceremoniously dropped the manuscript on her desk. It was covered in red ink, comments scrawled off to the side in her impeccable handwriting.


She leaned back in her chair, taking off her glases slowly as she placed them on her desk. The red pen rested behind her ear, holding back a stray piece of hair that threatened to come loose.


“I’m sorry?”


He leaned forward, placing his hands on the desk as he pinned her with his angry glare.


“This. Is. Utter. Bullshit.”


“I heard you the first time. May I ask why you think this is ‘utter bullshit’?”


He could hear the bemusement, and it only incensed him further.


“You said my sex scenes were mechanical!”


That’s what you got from all of my edits?”


“I’ll ignore the ‘formulaic’ comment for now-”


Formulaic? I guessed who the killer was within the first three chapters.”


She scoffed, rolling her eyes. He ignored her and plowed forward, absolutely furious.


“Because I know my sex scene is enough to make any woman flush with desire.”


She simply raised an eyebrow, regarding him with condesending amusement.


“Really? Because I wasn’t swooning. I was bored. There was no passion, no desperation… nothing. These two are giving into the sexual tension that you’ve been building through the ¾ths of the book- which is probably the only thing you’ve built up well. That sex scene was a disappointment.”


“Did you even read it?”


He saw a brief flash of indignation at the insinuation that she hadn’t read it through fully.


He knew she had, given her nitpicky, very specific comments that he would be spending hours fixing- but he was too mad to care.


Silently, she picked up his manuscript, standing up as she fumbled through the pages to find page 169.


“Mason took her face in his hands, kissing her. Adrienne melted into his kiss, and they continued to kiss as he lifted her onto his desk.”


She glanced up at him, her face impassive and her voice monotone. He met her gaze steadily, and she dropped her eyes, continuing to read.
“She opened her mouth underneath his gentle coaxing, allowing him in. Their tongues tangled and he kissed his way down the long column of her neck, making her moan.”


“You could sound a little more… turned on.”


“I have to be turned on to sound turned on.”


“Plenty of women would find that hot.”

“It’s… boring.


He looked at her disbelievingly, taking a step closer to her. His eyes pinned her to her spot, dark and angry. She immediately took a step back, her hand coming to rest on her immaculate desk as she stumbled slightly.


“Boring? You would know everything about hot, dirty sex, wouldn’t you?”


She straightened up almost immediately at his mocking tone, her face flushed as she took a step towards him, putting them toe to toe. With her heels, she was barely at his chin, her gaze lifted defiantly to meet his.


Her voice was steely, forcing out the words through gritted teeth.


“My sex life has nothing to do with my professional life.”


He tilted his head slightly, an amused, taunting smirk on his face as he pushed her further up against the desk.


“If you think that is boring, I’d like you to tell me what you think is… what was it you said? Desperate?”


“Primal. I want you to make me feel the ripping of the clothes, the raking of the nails, the rough kisses, and the hard, deep thrusts-”


Her voice was husky, tinged with desire as she looked up at him through hooded eyes, her lips parting slightly as she leaned up towards him.


“Make me fantasize about having him do that to me.”


Her seductive drawl broke the last strands of self control, and he slammed his lips down on hers, taking them in a desperate kiss. He felt her melt in his arms as he thrust his tongue into her mouth, stroking hers with unrestrained passion.


Her hands clutched at the collar of his shirt, fisting as she tugged him closer. He lifted her onto the desk, stepping between her parted legs as his hands pushed up her skirt, warm against her bare skin.


He trailed kisses down her neck, nipping at the sensitive skin. Her breathless moan was his undoing, and he bit down lightly on her pulse point, soothing the hot, wet skin with a stream of cool air.


He dipped his head to take her breast in his mouth, suckling through her shirt. The thin, cotton bra did nothing to mask the rapidly budding peak, and he glanced up to see her eyes closed, her teeth biting down on her lower lip to keep the sounds of pleasure in.


He pushed up her skirt, the flimsy lingerie tearing easily. His fingers thrust in, and she threw her head back, her knuckles turning white as she clutched the table. He circled her throbbing nub, making her writhe underneath him.


He pulled his fingers out of her as she tugged off his belt. He groaned when she dragged her fingers lightly along the length of him, kicking off his pants and boxers and quickly sliding on a condom.


He thrust in hard, sending the desk sliding against the tiled floors. Her cry of pleasure echoed in the empty room, the desk creaking as he pounded into her. Her nails raked down his back, a moan spilling from her parted lips with every thrust.


His hands wrapped her legs around his waist, and she swore thickly as he hit a new spot. She could feel the grain of the wood against her hot skin as she slid against the desk with his uncontrolled, desperate movements, slamming into her with force.


He pulled out just as she felt herself spiralling over the peak, until he was barely inside her. She arched her hips, trying to get the friction to give herself the release she craved.


“Is this… primal enough for you?”


His lips hovered above hers, and he brushed them against hers in a teasing touch. She lifted her hips forward, cursing profusely as he moved out of her reach.




His name came out as a pleading moan, begging him to give her what she wanted.


“Tell me Khushi, did I make your fantasies come true?”


She seemed to struggle with her pride, not wanting to give the battle. He trailed a finger down her cleavage, brushing over the aching tips.


Tell me.


She turned clouded hazel eyes to him, tugging him down to press a searing kiss to his lips, wordlessly giving him her answer. Groaning, he thrust into her fully. She met him stroke for stroke, moaning his name as her muscles clenched around him.


He tugged her skirt back down, placing a hot kiss on the side of her neck. She slid off the table, handing him the manuscript with a slight smile.


“If you can put that in your writing… then I may not use my red pen on the sex next time.”




“You’ll have to convince me… further if you really want me to throw that pen away.”


He tugged her into him, murmurring softly in her ears.


“Throw away all your red pens, Khushi. I don’t think I’ll have any problems convicing you.”




Note: It’s been a while, and I spent all of yesterday writing a dry essay… so I figured it was time to let loose a little, writing wise 😉

True Love (mature)

Khushi stood in front of the mirror, fingering the mangal sutra resting on her alabaster neck. The black string of beads symbolized her marriage to the man she loved, and she smiled softly as she recalled the moments from earlier today.


“Khushi, I love you. Your smile and bubbliness makes my entire day, and I’m so glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”


A soft blush filled her downy cheeks, staining them with an appealing pink. She felt the ball of nerves in her stomach in anticipation of what was going to happen next, and walked over to the bed with trembling hands.


She sat down on the bed carefully, adjusting her lehenga neatly so that it fell in perfect pleats to the floor.


The bed was covered in white, silk sheets, with rose garlands hanging from the ceiling in a canopy. Red rose petals lay in a heart shape against the soft sheets, with two towel swans making a heart with their heads.


The entire room was dimly lit with rows of candles, and the full, rounded moon outside their window. She looked up to see the stars, twinkling down brightly at her.




She turned to see his tall silhouette standing in the door, looking dapper in a fancy Armani suit. She blushed, lowering her eyes as he walked into the room, his caramel eyes simmering with an unknown emotion.




He walked up to her, cupping her soft cheeks in his calloused hand. His eyes darkened from molten caramel to desire laden chocolate as he looked at her, taking in her beauty. The moonlight made her radiant skin glow, and he couldn’t believe that she was finally his.


He picked her up in his arms, and she blushed and looked away as he carried her to their bed, placing her in the middle and leaning over her.


His eyes focused on her pretty, pink lips, curved into an adorable pout. He kissed her, and she responded artlessly, her tongue tentatively brushing against his lower lip.


He continued down the alabaster column of her neck, his day-old stubble turning the skin red as he nuzzled at her pulse point. He bit down gently, soothing the mark with his tongue as it bruised her porcelain skin.


She squirmed underneath him, unable to understand the dizzying feelings coursing through her.


Was this what love felt like?


He rolled over to the side, gently tugging at the doris that held her red blouse shut.


She flushed under his roving gaze, her heaving breasts moving up and down through the red lace.


“Have I told you how much I love red?”


She shook her head, turning away so he couldn’t see the pink rapidly filling her cheeks. He unclasped the red lace bra, and she immediately covered herself, turning away so he couldn’t see.


He turned her around slowly, pulling her arms away from her chest. He paused, drinking in the perky, round mounds that were flushed with her desire, a beautiful pink.


“Khushi, you’re beautiful.”


His voice was reverent, and she turned darker pink, her embarrassed gaze turning away from him. He smiled at her shyness, her innocence endearing.


He cupped them in his hands, and they fit perfectly. They weren’t too big or too small, and he loved the way they felt in his hands. She arched her back as he kissed them, kneading them in gentle circles.


“Arnavji, please?”


He took off his shirt, and her eyes widened as he revealed his rippling, well toned muscles, his biceps strong. His thick mane of black hair fell into his eyes, and she couldn’t resist reaching out a hand to touch his quivering muscles.


His eyes immediately darkened, and he groaned underneath her innocent touches.


His hands fumbled with her lehenga, pulling it down her legs slowly. He tugged off his pants, and she turned her eyes away, unable to look at his hard manhood.


Arnav laughed softly, brushing a stray piece of hair out of her eyes.


“Khushi, it’s okay to look.”


She shook her head, and he paused over her body, looking at her nervous eyes.


Clouded hazel met dark chocolate, and he cupped her cheek, silently asking for permission. He saw the answer in her eyes, and pushed into her wet core slowly, not wanting to hurt her.


But it was inevitable, and when her barrier broke, she closed her eyes, a single, clear tear dripping down her downy, flushed cheek. Arnav’s heart broke, and he gently kissed her eyelids, kissing the tear and her cry of pain away.


When she wriggled her hips underneath him, he began to move slowly. The pain ebbed away, and it was replaced by blinding pleasure as he kissed her moans of pleasure, silencing them.


He thrust faster, both of them eager to reach the elusive peak. Her nails raked down his back as she wrapped her legs around his waist, eagerly drawing him closer.


“Oh, Arnav!”


She clenched around his still hard member, and fireworks burst in her head, the flowers opening as sparks shot through her body. She trembled, crying out his name.


He loved seeing the pleasure in her hazel orbs, the darkened depths almost green and glazed over with pleasure.


He continued to thrust into her, her gasps of pleasure spurring him on. They both went over the edge with a keening, spilling himself into her as his throbbing manhood pulsed inside of her as she clenched around him again.


He collapsed against her, his bod covered in a sheen of sweat, slick. He took in her long, thick black hair, falling like an ebony waterfall against the white pillows and contrasting, forming a halo around her head.


She looked like an angel.


His angel.


“You’re my angel, Khushi. I love you.”


She nestled her head into his chest, smiling.


“I love you too, Arnavji.”


They curled up together, slipping into a peaceful slumber as the stars sparkled above. The rose bush outside their room bloomed just as the sun began to rise, enlightening the happy couple with a blissful glow.


They were finally home.




She was soaked through to the bone, her heavy lehenga completely drenched with the pouring rain. Her bright red Porsche looked out of place against the rugged landscape, a lone car driving down the twisted roads.

She could vaguely hear the slamming of the ocean against the rocks, the distant thunder rolling ominously.

It was only 4 PM, but the dark clouds made it look like midnight, completely covering the sky. She could see the faint outlines of cows roaming in the distance, the rolling hills a sharp contrast to the steep, rugged cliffs that flanked the lighthouse.

She trembled as she stepped out of the car, lifting the intricately embroidered orange lehenga as she sprinted towards the tall, white lighthouse through the storm.

The single light illuminated the waters in a sole beam, stretching out across the vicious ocean. She desperately hoped that someone would be inside to open it up for her.

The heavy, ebony door swung open, revealing angry, dark eyes that were flecked with gold. She swallowed, suddenly feeling incredibly warm despite the freezing rain, goosebumps erupting on her skin.

“Why are you here?”

She shivered, trembling as his gaze swept over her figure.

“I got lost. May I… Come in?”

He regarded her coolly for a minute, his face impassive. Nodding imperceptibly, he swung open the door, letting her step in.

“Don’t get my floors wet with that.”

She glared at him, irritated that he felt the need to remind her of mundane little tasks.

She followed him up the curve of the stairs to the very top of the lighthouse, admiring the beautiful view. She could see the rolling sea, dark with fury as the thunder rumbled.

“Take this.”

She glanced down to see a fluffy towel in her hands, ready for usage. When she opened her mouth to thank him, he was already gone, facing the stove.

The tight tshirt and low slung, plaid sweatpants that he was wearing clung to his back, and she felt her mouth going dry as he reached up to grab the hot chocolate mix, revealing a strip of bronze skin.

How was he even that tan when he spent most of his time… Here?

She glanced around at the lighthouse, the small space seeming homely. It was warm, with worn bookshelves lining the corner and a roaring fire. A plush rug lay in front of it, the rich scarlet threads spun finely into a pattern that curled between her toes.

She was about to sit down on the chair when she heard him snap, his voice harsh from behind her.

“Don’t sit on that. You’ll get it wet.”

“My sincerest apologies. Where would you like me to sit, sir?”

He didn’t miss her sarcasm, just as she didn’t miss the flash in his eyes as he silently handed her a steaming mug of hot cocoa, gesturing for her to take it.

“Where’s the husband?”

“How polite.”

He didn’t flinch, simply staring at her with those dark eyes that had a way of unnerving her. She placed the cup down on the table, unable to meet his gaze.

“Doesn’t exist.”

“What do you mean, doesn’t exist?”

“I ran. From the wedding.”

“Are you insane? You-”

“I’m not going to marry someone when I don’t want to, Arnav. Especially not when I-”

She broke off, her eyes flying up to his. She couldn’t tear her gaze away, not when his was trained on her, making the blush rise on her face.

She swallowed, downing the hot chocolate in one go as she ignored the burn.

“D-do you have a spare change of clothes?”

The walls immediately fell back down on his eyes, and he walked over to the small room off of the main portion, grabbing a dark blue shirt.

She snatched it out of his hands, running into the bathroom just off to the side. She clutched the sink, trying to steady her rapid breathing.

It was almost as if he recipro-


He couldn’t.

He had never said anything, not when she said her parents wanted her to marry, not when she had talked about the proposal, not when she had grudgingly accepted, and not now.

Her hands shook as she reached around her neck to tug at the stubborn strings holding her blouse together, the tangle of knots keeping the small piece of fabric in place.

She tugged more frantically, but only felt the strings pull tighter, digging into the soft skin of her back.


Wincing, she walked out of the bathroom, tugging at her dupatta and hoping the infinite pins kept her decent.

“Arnav, could you…?”

She trailed off, and he turned to face her, his eyes darkening further and his hands covered in the fresh, soapy water he had just filled the sink with. The dirty dishes lay off to the side, ignored as he stepped towards her, the glistening bubbles on his hands.

He reached towards the top knot, his fingertips barely brushing her skin as he undid it, slowly pulling apart the strings. She could feel the trail of soapy water as he worked his way downwards, pulling the strings from the loops that held them.

His hands were cool, but she felt like his touch burned, the flame of the fire in front of her seeming cool in comparison. Her hands fisted when he gently rubbed the imprints of the strings away, his calloused, ink-stained fingers stroking the skin.

This had to be a special form of hell.

She felt him pause when he reached the last, final knot. He pulled the strings slowly, careful not to tangle them once more. He was purposefully deliberate, his breath warm against her neck.

She struggled to keep herself from trembling underneath his touch, the grazes driving her slowly insane with need. The pulsing ache in her stomach was torturing her, and she was sorely tempted to tilt her neck slightly and capture his lips.

If only he…

She felt the last knot fall open, and clutched at the front of her blouse to keep it up.

His fingers hovered over her skin, still holding the two strings in his hands.

Without warning, he leaned forward and nipped at the naked skin of her lower neck, soothing the spot with his tongue. Her hands loosened in surprise, allowing the blouse to fall to the ground in a heap, leaving her chest completely bare.

He stepped closer until he was fully pressed against her, sweeping her wet hair forward over her shoulder to press a hot kiss to the side of her neck. She but her lip, willing herself to keep the moan in as her eyes fluttered shut.

She tilted her head, resting it against him to give him better access as he continued peppering open-mouthed kisses along the column, suckling gently.

She could feel the metallic taste of blood along her lips as she bit down hard, her hands fisting in the lehenga and dupatta.

He paused above her lips, and she could feel the soft pant of his breath against her tender skin.

“May I…?”

Before she could think the better of it, she leaned up and pressed her lips against his, turning around to face him.

Groaning, he deepened the kiss, his hands sweeping across the bare planes of her stomach, creeping towards her breasts. His lips nipped at hers, his tongue sweeping along the lower, tingling lip as she opened her mouth beneath him. Her hands wound around his neck, pulling him closer still as her chest pressed against his.

She pulled away from the kiss, dazed. Her hands slid down his chest until her fingers caught the tie holding his pants up, and with a swift tug, they loosened until they slipped further down his waist.

He kicked them off, tugging off his tshirt before taking her lips in his own once more. This time, the kiss was a battle of wills, their tongues entwining.

She gasped when she felt his arousal against her thigh, hard and insistent. His hands dropped to the waist of her lehenga, pulling at it and letting it fall to the ground in a pile with its blouse.

They sank to the ground, with her hair falling all over him as he leaned against the soft rug, his hands running all over her flushed skin.

She leaned forward to kiss him again, her breasts brushing his well-formed chest. Her wet folds brushed against him, making his muscles quiver underneath her touch.

“Khushi, if you keep that up, I won’t-”

His hips bucked underneath her as she slid slowly down onto him, taking him into her fully. His hands slid to her hips, fingers digging into her skin as she began to move.

The fire crackled as she quickened the pace, their skin slapping together as he guided her with his hands. Her breath came in ragged pants as she leaned over him, kissing him deeply.

She could feel him tense, holding himself back as he waited for her to reach her peak. She reached for his hands, pulling it towards where they were joined.

They locked gazes, heated and clouded over with desire. Her mouth was millimeters from his, her voice hoarse with passion.

“Touch me.”

He didn’t wait, his fingers immediately moving in gentle circles around the throbbing nub. She cried out, the sound echoing against the walls of the lighthouse as the lightning cracked outside.

He flipped them over just as it began to pour heavily, the rain smattering against the windows and dripping down the pane.

His pace was frenzied as he thrust deep within her, desperate to reach that edge. He bent down, suckling on a tender breast, laving his tongue over the tip.

She clenched hard around him as he came with her, his slicked body barely holding up above hers. The warm fire burned behind them, lighting her impassioned eyes.

He reached for a blanket resting on top of the chair as she curled into him, nestling her face against his warm skin.

“You never told me.”

“I thought you… Didn’t feel the same.”

She laughed, her eyes lighting up as she looked at him. He didn’t miss the sadness behind them, and leaned down to press a soft kiss to her shoulder.

“You’re ridiculously daft.”

“I nearly lost you.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“Would it help if I told you that I want you to stay?”

“Just for now?”

He swallowed deeply, letting his breath come out with a whoosh.

For the first time, he was entirely sure of what he had to say.

“For as long as you’ll put up with the click of my typewriter late at night.”

She smiled, a wicked grin appearing on her face as she leaned up to kiss him. Pulling away all too soon, she smirked, rolling them over until she was on top.

“If I have my way, that damned typewriter will be silent all night.”


Note:For HGR. I know it’s… Different, but I hope you love it anyway. And if you don’t… Well, I’ll rewrite it 😉

Doctor Doctor


“How long do you think it’s been since he’s had sex?”

“At least a year. No sex, no place to vent frustration besides us. Who would bang a guy with that attitude anyway?”

Khushi rolled her eyes, taking another sip of the bitter break room coffee. She was sitting in a group of fellow residents, who were intently discussing the crabbiest, hardest supervisor they had- Dr. Raizada.

He was a tall man, with lean, well toned muscles. His angular jaw nearly always had a light layer of stubble, and he wore clear-rimmed, squared glasses that framed hard caramel eyes.

He would have been attractive, if his forehead hadn’t been perpetually furrowed in anger. His sharp eyes were cold, and never missed a single detail. He had a tongue to match, unleashing it on any poor resident that happened to fall under him.

“I would bang him. He’s hot.”

“I’ve never seen him smile. Instead of dirty things, he’d probably growl criticisms in your ear. Sexy.”

“Mishra. This isn’t gossip circle. Drink the coffee, and get your ass to the patient you were supposed to be with five minutes ago.”

The group of residents hastily split, downing their coffee and scattering as the angry voice of Dr. Raizada rang out from behind them. Khushi put her head down as she fled the room, with NK following closely behind her.

“Listen, Khushi… You want to get dinner tonight?”

Khushi turned to answer NK, a small smile on her face. His eyes were hopeful, and even though she didn’t really feel anything for him, she didn’t want to let him down. Maybe she would develop feelings for him if she spent enough time around him.

But just behind him, Dr. Raizada stood, his arms crossed over his chest and his caramel eyes boring into her through the slim glass.

Khushi felt herself flush deeply, her nerve endings on edge. She whirled quickly around, falling in step with NK and desperately trying to ignore the dark eyes on her back.

She smiled tightly, suddenly feeling deeply uncertain of her decision to accept NK’s dinner proposal. He waited for her response expectantly, dark brown eyes looking into hers as they stood at the doors to the OR.

“Um, yeah, sure. Of course. When?”

They weren’t that far away from the break room where Dr. Raizada could clearly hear her response, and she immediately felt him stiffen. Swallowing thickly, she focused on NK’s bright smile, stepping into the OR and talking animatedly.

But the niggling uneasiness remained in the back of her brain, and she was distinctly aware of a pair of caramel eyes that focused on her through the scrub cap and mask


Khushi felt her phone vibrate for the fifth time underneath the table, and she glanced across it to see NK giving her a meaningful glance.

She turned her gaze pointedly to the presenter, attempting to keep her attention focused on the man. She winced upon biting into the soggy sandwich, longing for her mother’s delicious dal chawal.

Over the last couple of weeks, Khushi had found herself face to face with Dr. Raizada much more than she would have liked. He would always call her out on something, whether it was not filling out a form correctly or laughing too loudly.

Her patience was wearing dangerously thin with him, and no matter how hard she tried to avoid him, he seemed to find her. Whenever she was in a group of residents, he would zero in on her, despite the fact that everyone else was wasting time as well.

It didn’t help that she was also trying to tame the traitorous warmth that spread through her entire body whenever he was around.

Every time he turned his gaze on her, she would feel the immediate increase in tension, setting her on edge. Her heart would pound in her chest, and the deep recesses of her stomach would erupt in desire.

Her phone vibrated for the sixth time, and she pulled it out, unable to resist the temptation.

Try to look a little less forlorn, jilted lover and more seductive.

She glared at NK, who was smirking at her from across the table. Their friendship had blossomed after their dinner together, where she had explained that she wasn’t interested in him in that way. Instead, the two of them had become close friends, and she had ended up confiding in him one night during their weekly dinners.

Her phone buzzed again, and she glanced down surreptitiously to read it.

NK: Red alert, Voldemort is eyeing you.

Khushi: Who the hell is Voldemort?

NK: He-who-must-not-be-named.

Khushi: No shit, Sherlock.

NK: Aka, supervisor from hell and/or your lover.

Khushi: He is not my lover.

NK: Keep telling yourself that, love 😉

She slipped the phone back into her pocket, reaching down to take another bite of her sandwich. She refocused on the presentation, her eyes slipping occasionally- often- to the man at the helm.

His glasses were perched on his nose, and he scribbled furiously on a yellow notepad with his left hand as the presenter continued to talk. She could see his sculpted profile, and her eyes dropped down to his lips, and she absentmindedly wondered what it would be like to…

He suddenly stiffened, as if he sensed her staring at him. Just as he turned around, her phone loudly began to blare the tones of Caller Tune.

His eyes narrowed, hardening instantly. She winced as the sniggers erupted in the room, the presenter herself trying to contain giggles. She mouthed a sorry to him, hitting the end call button on her phone.

She was about to slip it into her pocket when a large hand snatched it, and she looked up to see caramel eyes simmering with barely repressed anger.

“Carry on with the meeting.”

He whirled around and stalked out of the room, and Khushi followed him silently, her eyes focused intently on the ground in front of her.



He walked into an empty examining room, shutting the door with a harsh slam behind her.

“I have never seen such irresponsibility from an intern.”

She gritted her teeth, reining in the anger that threatened to overflow at his cutting statement.

“You have been nothing but careless these last couple of weeks. Forgetting to fill out forms-”

“That happened once! And it was because-”

“-Laughing loudly with your little friends at midnight-”

“Good god, Dr. Raizada, I didn’t realize that laughing was a crime now.”

“-and now, texting your boyfriend in a meeting. I have no issue with you dating a colleague, Gupta, but I do have an issue when you act like horny teens who can’t keep it in their pants.”

“That’s a little harsh, don’t you think, sir?”

“I don’t appreciate the sarcasm.”

“I don’t appreciate you yelling at me for everything I do, sir.”

His voice dropped, his eyes glittering dangerously as he took a step closer to her, towering over her small frame.

“That’s Dr. Raizada to you, Gupta.”

“Have you every thought about the way you treat me? You yelled at me for laughing, for Heaven’s sake.”

“It was midnight and you nearly woke up the patients.”

“Tell me something, Dr. Raizada, when’s the last time you had sex?”

“Excuse me?”

“Have you ever made a woman beg you to take her again?”

“What I do with my free time is none of your damn business, Gupta.”

“Do you even know how to-”

She was silenced by a punishing kiss, his hands pulling loose the knot holding her hair up and raking through it.

His lips were insistent and demanding, nipping and tugging. He bit down on her lower lip, making her gasp in surprise. He took advantage, thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

He dragged his tongue along her jaw, before sucking lightly on her earlobe. She moaned when he pressed kisses along the column of her throat, grazing the skin with his teeth.

Her moan was his undoing, and he harshly tugged off her scrubs, his hands tracing a path of fire across her open skin.

He cupped the side of her breast before sinking his teeth into the tender skin, earning him a cry of surprise. He continued to bite at her cleavage, soothing the bites by swirling his tongue along the bruises.

He dropped to his knees, tugging her panties down with her bottoms. She could feel his cool breath on her throbbing peak, teasing her.

He gave her a smoldering glance before taking her into his mouth, suckling hard. She sobbed out, her hands sliding into his hand and pulling his head further into her.

She could feel him smirk against her, but her retort was swallowed by her sob when his tongue delved deep into her, barely brushing against her sensitive nub.

He lifted his head, standing up and backing her against the wall. He kicked his boxers off and lifting her legs around his waist.

He thrust into her with a smooth stroke, and she buried her face into his shoulders. He pounded into her, cupping her ass and squeezing lightly.

She moaned with every thrust, gasping when his rough thumb brushed against the aching tips of her breasts. His lips sucked it between his teeth, his tongue stroking against the peak.

He gave her a long, deep thrust and she clenched around him, throwing her head back as he pulsed within her. Their heaving bodies sank against each other, the weight of his body holding her trembling figure up.

“We should get back to the meeting, Gupta.”

She nodded, pulling on her scrubs and slipping back into the meeting. As he settled into his place, he turned back to look at her, his normally cold eyes warm.

He gave her a slight, lopsided smile, before turning back to face the presenter.


“Who do you think it is?”


“Dr. Raizada is engaged. Didn’t you hear?”

“Engaged?! Who would marry him?”

“Come on, he’s been much more relaxed lately. Or as relaxed as Dr. Raizada gets.”

“He won’t reveal who she is.”

“Lucky girl. He’s guaranteed a promotion, and he’s hot. Even if he is a little grumpy.”

Khushi smiled slightly as she overheard the conversation in the break room, sipping her coffee with a secretive smile.

“Gupta! Get your ass out here.”

She turned to see Dr. Raizada in the doorway, a glint behind his cool eyes. She nodded, leaning forward to place her mug in the sink.

The thin, silvery chain slipped out from underneath her bright blue scrubs, a sparkling solitaire ring dangling out.

She smiled softly, fingering the chain before slipping it back underneath her scrubs. She walked out to meet Dr. Raizada, grinning as soon as her back was to the gossiping group of interns.

He tugged her into an empty examining room, pressing her against the door.

“You think they know?”

He kissed her deeply, before pulling back to see her eyes clouded over with familiar desire.

“I’m sure we can… Entertain ourselves until they do.”

Grinning, Khushi tugged him down to meet her lips again, easily entertaining herself while the gossip circle mused outside.


Note: For Baby. My apologies if I got the logistics wrong, I rely on Grey’s Anatomy, ya?

Phones and Moans (mature)

Arnav: Red bra with black lace, matching panties. 30 sec ago


Khushi: We’re at a dinner. With your parents. now


Arnav: Does that mean I’m right? now


Khushi: That means you need to stop texting me and put your phone away. now


Arnav: It’s been six months. now


Khushi: And you can’t keep it in your pants? now


Arnav: Tell me Khushi. Did you imagine my fingers down there, stroking in slow, torturous circles until you’re sobbing into my shoulder? 6 min ago


Arnav: You’re turning red. 5 min ago


Arnav: You’re flushed and damp with need, aren’t you? I could thrust deep into you right now, and you would clench around me and scream my name. 3 min ago


Arnav: Or would you rather I taste you, dipping my tongue into you again and again until you’re writhing under me and begging me to take you hard and fast? 2 min ago


Arnav: I don’t enjoy being ignored, Ms. Gupta. 1 min ago


Arnav: Voice recording: KhushiPhoneSex now


Khushi: Oh my god. now


Arnav: 😉 now


Khushi: Your mother nearly heard that. now


Arnav: So? We’re getting married tomorrow. It’s not like they don’t know what we’ll be doing. 😉 10 min ago


Khushi: They think we’re virgins. now


Arnav: If I recall, I made you come… Five times, was it? now


Khushi: Two. now


Arnav: Five. now


Khushi: Two. now


Arnav: I’ll prove how correct I am tomorrow. now


Khushi: Please. Don’t get too cocky. now


Arnav: I do have one. 4 min ago


Khushi: How mature. now


Arnav: I don’t appreciate your sass, Ms. Gupta. You’ll have to be punished. I’m going to have to the you down and thrust into you with long, slow strokes until you’re pleading with me to give you release. 15 min ago


Arnav: Khushi darling, are you sure you’re not sick? now


Khushi: Forget suhaag raat, you’re sleeping on the couch. now


Arnav: Would you like a Tylenol to fix that fever? now


Khushi: I can’t believe you told your mother that I don’t come because it’s too big and can’t fit. now


Arnav: I meant that you never come with me to my office, because it’s too big of a problem since it won’t fit into your schedule. now


Khushi: I am not amused. now


Arnav: I will make you moan so loudly that the neighbors will tell me to be less… Effective. 10 min ago


Khushi; Why am I marrying you again? now


Arnav: Because you love me. now


Khushi: God knows why. now


Arnav: Hamesha, Ms. Gupta. now


Khushi: That’ll be Mrs. Raizada to you. now


Arnav: That sounds kinky. now


Khushi: Arnav! 5 min ago


Khushi: Arnav, what are you now


“Amma, Khushi and I are going home.”


“Arnav, you can’t just take her! The wedding is only tomor-”


She broke off upon seeing the determined glint in Arnav’s eyes, her words dying on her lips.


Arnav ignored Khushi’s mortified protests as he swept her up in his arms, carrying her out to the car standing at the curb.


Just before he tossed her into the backseat, he leaned in, murmuring in her ear.


“Six times, tonight.”




He cut her off with a deep, bruising kiss, pulling away only to tug her sharply into his lap.


“Hari Prakash? Please put up the privacy screen.”




Note: For the not so sanskari Baaraatis. 😉

Double Date (mature)

“Come on, Khushi, at least consider it!”


“No. He’s almost five years younger than me, Payal. For god’s sake, he’s your former classmate!”


“He’s hot!”


“Why don’t you date him then?”


“Because his twin is hotter.”


I roll my eyes, and she gives me her standard puppy pout.


“No. Don’t try that on me. I’m not Dad.”


“Khushi! You’re finally single after you broke up with that twat NK-”


“He’s a perfectly nice guy!”


“Please, did he ever get past your neck?”


My pause is enough to tell her, and she gives me a knowing look. I glare at her, unhappy by the fact that my younger, nosy sister knows more about my love life than I do.


“Come on, Khush. He’s sweet.”


“He has a tattoo. That says ‘fuck me’. How charming.”


“Just because you’re a prude-”


“I am not a prude!”


She pointedly stares at my tight bun and collared shirt, buttoned all the way to the top. I blush furiously, knowing she’s right.


“Fine. One night. Then you’re off my back.”


She grins, and I immediately regret my words. She drops a kiss on my cheek as she leaves, calling out something about me being the best sister ever.


I’m dreading tonight already.




“You’re not wearing that.”


I look down at my modest, navy blue dress. It’s perfectly respectable, a great fit for this god forsaken double date with my younger sister.


“It’s perfectly-”


“Old woman like?”


Payal silently thrusts a short, bright blue dress in my hands, along with a pair of silvery stilettos.


“You’ll be able to see my underwear.”


“Then change out of those granny panties and wear a lacy thong.”


“I’m not going to sleep with the guy.”


She gives me a look that she’s picked up from our mother, and I sigh defeatedly, and take the clothes from her hands.


I tug uncomfortably at the dress as we walk into the restaurant, stumbling as the stilettos hit the ground. I envy Payal, who looks calm and collected despite the height of her own heels.


We walk in, and I glance down at the table to see my partner for the evening.


He’s leaning back in the chair, his eyes focused solely on me. His eyes trail down my figure, and I pull down the short dress in a failed attempt to cover my exposed legs.


Payal elbows me, warning me with her eyes not to pull the dress down again. I grit my teeth uncomfortably when he stands up to shake my hand, pulling out the seat.


His hand is warm and large, completely swallowing my much tinier one. I see the words “fuck me” written across his wrist, and fight the urge to roll my eyes.


His hair is messy, falling carelessly around his face and hanging around his ears. His eyes are dark, and I feel naked under his probing gaze. I disapprovingly note the way his tie hangs loosely around his neck, his shirt unbuttoned down three. He looks like he hasn’t shaved in three days, a thick layer of stubble darkening his cheeks.


Definitely not my type.


I eye him with marked disapproval I know he can sense, but he doesn’t seem to care. He gives me a lazy grin as we sit down, making me feel incredibly uncomfortable.


I feel a pull in the deep pit of my stomach at the look in his eyes, and I hate it.


Payal blushes and flirts shamelessly with his much more pristine twin, a man with glasses and an innocent face. She’s always been fond of men who fall under her spell, and this man seems to be no exception.


Unfortunately, his brother is not amused, and tosses a disgusted look their way when she accidentally brushes his foot while she’s playing footsie.


I smile brightly at the man in front of me. I might as well attempt to engage in conversation, instead of sitting here awkwardly as my sister giggles the night away.


“So… What do you do, Arnav?”


“I’m a musician.”


I fight the disapproval, and paste a tight smile on my face. He smiles innocently, a glint of amusement in his eyes.


I hate that glint.


Especially since his dark eyes send the heat pooling between my legs, in a way that thoroughly irritates me.


“That’s… An interesting profession. What, er, music do you play?”




I shift in my seat as he looks at me, clearly trying to keep his amusement at bay. He’s enjoying my discomfort, and that bothers me.


“And you’re an…?”




“Ah. Stuck up and prissy.”


My mouth falls open in indignation, and I’m about to argue back sharply when I note that the teasing expression has only grown stronger, along with the pull of desire.


He’s incredibly attractive, in a way I never would have expected. The easy carelessness and the glimmer of teasing humor is admittedly a refreshing change from the men I usually date, who tend to be serious and focused on themselves.


But he’s immature and reckless, and from what my sister has told me, spends more time strumming his guitar than actually doing anything productive. She did mention that he’s naturally gifted at his studies, but I can’t overlook the fact that he seems like a lazy ass.


But the temptation… No. He’s five years younger than me, still in college, and lacks a steady job.


And at the ripe old age of 27, I’m looking for someone to settle down with. Not a hot, desperate one night stand.


He’s looking at me like he’s mentally undressing me, and I shift in my seat as the throbbing ache grows stronger.


“I’m going to the bathroom.”


My sister barely acknowledges my statement as I hastily flee the table, unnerved by the deep, aching need I feel for this man that’s nothing but trouble.


I clutch the sink, staring into the mirror at my flushed face. My eyes look glassy, and I recognize the tingling want. I haven’t had sex in over a year, since NK was determined to wait until marriage.


I barely know this… Kid, but I can’t deny that he would probably give me exactly what I need right now.


“Thinking about me?”


I let out an embarrassing squeal at the sound of a thick, husky voice behind me, and whip around to find him leaning carelessly against the gray stall.


I look around furtively, thanking my stars that no other women are in the bathroom. I lower my voice to a whisper, hoping that my admonishing tone is evident.


“What the hell are you doing here? This is the women’s bathroom!”


“I’m well aware.”


I resist the urge to argue with him, knowing it’ll get me nowhere. He grins at me, a dimple creasing his stubbled cheeks.


I curse mentally when my body immediately responds, squeezing my legs together tightly.


“You want me.”


I gape at him, shocked by his blunt statement.


“That is completely, utterly-”


“You want me, and that is why you hate me. Because you think I’m reckless and immature, and that I’m too young for you, but you still can’t help that you want me.”


I hate the way he’s pegged me effortlessly, and attempt to walk away. He grabs my wrist and tugs me into the open stall, whipping me against the door.


His lips are temptingly close to mine, his warm breath fanning over my face as he speaks. His voice is filled with obvious desire, and it makes me go weak in the knees.


“You know I’ve liked you since I saw you at our gig in freshman year, right?”


“I was a graduate student then!”


“And then you started dating NK. Tell me, Khushi, did he ever make you tremble the way you are now?”


I fight him, squirming in his grasp. He’s right, of course, but I don’t want to admit that.


Because if I do, there’s no telling what I’ll do.


“This is incredibly inappropriate. I’m five years older than you, and I’m only here because I’m helping my sister.”


“She doesn’t need help, and you know it.”


He steps closer, pinning me against the stall door. His lips drop to my neck, sucking gently at the exposed skin. I clutch his shoulders, trying to steady myself.


“Arnav, I- oh, fuck it.”


I lift his head to mine and press my lips to his in a searing kiss, and he indulges me without hesitation. His mouth opens underneath mine, swiping his tongue against my lips until I’m gasping for breath.


I’m already wet, the flimsy thong soaked through with my desire. I attempt to brace myself against the tiny stall as he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a condom and easily slipping it on.


He lifts my legs around his waist and thrusts into me in one, swift move. He groans, reaching to my hair to let it tumble down my shoulders. It sticks to my neck, and his lips trail across my collarbone, hot and wet.


He begins a slow rhythm, careful to keep the movement of the stall door to a minimum. His hands thread through my hair as he nips at the edges of my cleavage, pushed up by my tight dress.


I gasp when his tongue probes just underneath the hem, pulling the strapless dress slightly down to expose my breasts. I’m not wearing a bra, and he suckles on them hard, his tongue licking and biting in time to his thrusts.


I hear the door to the bathroom open, and my eyes widen as I realize that the stall is making the tell tale noises of a passionate encounter.


He smiles impishly, leaning in to whisper against my ear.


“I guess you’ll just have to be quiet, Khushi.”


I bite back a moan when he brushes his thumb over my wet, exposed nipples, pushing into me once. I tighten my legs around his waist, driving him deeper into me.


His hands are teasing my breasts, and he lifts me farther up the smooth, cold door to change the angle slightly. The minute change makes my eyes star, and I feel myself clench against him. My nails mark his skin, sinking into his muscles.


I can hear a woman bustling about, blissfully unaware of what’s happening in the stall next to her. She’s humming, and I hear her unzip her makeup pouch.


He puts me down, turning me around, pushing my dress up further. I place my palms flat against the cool metal, bracing myself against the stall door when he drives into me from behind.


I’m holding the door shut, keeping the pounding to a minimum as he thrusts into me with force. He reaches around me to tease my nub, and I clench my fists, as I stifle my cry of pleasure, a moan making its way out.


I hear the woman start at the mirror, and feel her turn to glance at the door.


“Miss? Is everything okay in there?”


He rubs his fingers in torturous circles, thrusting into me slowly. I’m on the brink of a release, and he knows it.


“I’m- oh- I’m f-fine.”


My voice is strangled and unsteady, and I can feel his grin as he thrusts into me once more. His fingers slip in just a little, stroking me just where I need it, and it’s enough to send the sensations crashing around me.


“Miss? Are you sure? You sound… Pained?”


I press my hand to my mouth to cover the sob, closing my eyes tightly as I feel myself tighten once more. He throbs within me pleasantly, and I can hear him struggling to contain his groan.




I let out a shuddering breath when I come down, steadying my breathing before I attempt to answer.


“I’m- I’m fine. Just… Cramps, you know?”


I feel the woman nod, and hear the click of her heels fade as she walks out.


He pulls out of me, holding me up against the door. My entire body is weak, and my entire body aches with satisfaction.


I haven’t felt this good in a long time, but the indignation fires through me when I realize what he’s done.


I whip around to see him smirking as he leans against the side door, clearly satisfied.


“That, was completely inappropriate!”


I poke him in the chest, but he’s completely unfazed.


“How could you do that to me?!”


“You didn’t seem to be complaining two minutes ago.”


“You’re insufferable.”


There’s a poignant silence, and then he’s pressed me up against the wall again, taking my lips in a bruising kiss. I give in immediately, and he rakes his hands through my hair. When we pull back, we’re both panting, my lips tingling and swollen.


He smiles slightly, before stepping out of the door, tossing me a wink over his shoulder.


“Have a nice evening, madam.”


I hear his voice call, and confusion overwhelms me. Why is he addressing me as madam?


I step out of the stall to see an elderly lady looking at me in the mirror, and I barely withhold my gasp of surprise.


“He’s a keeper if he’s got you that flushed after a romp in the bathroom.”


With that, she walks out, leaving me alone in the bathroom, absolutely mortified.


I stand outside of the car as my sister exchanges sweet words with Akash, smiling bashfully. I refuse to look at Arnav, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me flustered.


My hair is back in the tight bun, and I sigh with relief when she finally decides to sit in the car. I’m about to slide in after her when I feel a sharp tug on my hair, and the silky curtain tumbles around my shoulder once more.


Before I can say anything, his husky voice filters in my ear, whispering hotly.


“Next Friday, leave your hair down. And skip the thong.”


He pushes me lightly into the car, and I ignore my sister’s questioning stare as we drive away.


I wink at him through the window, and I see his eyes widen in surprise, the dimple reappearing on his cheek.


Maybe… He is my type, after all.


Cops and Robbers

“Hey! What are you-”


A woman dressed in a loose, sinfully short black dress whips around, her face masked behind a thick, woolen monkey cap. She holds my laptop in her arms, and nearly stumbles as she attempts to get away.


My reflexes are too quick for her, and I catch her just as she’s about to land on the ground. Wide, hazel eyes look up at me, laptop still encased in her arms. I can feel the heat of her skin through the skintight dress, my hands resting tightly on her waist.


She takes advantage of my momentary paralysis and gives a sharp bite to my arm, before attempting to kick me. I yelp in surprise, dodging the kick just in time as she ducks away.


My hands grasp her wrist and spin her to me, pulling her into me with force. The laptop is clutched against her chest, and I swiftly pick her up in my arms, ignoring her yells and protests. She kicks and screams, but I pay no mind to her, walking calmly into the dark room and dropping her unceremoniously to the floor.


The door slams shut behind me, and in one, soft click, I have her locked in. I can hear her yelling curse words at me from inside, pounding on the door furiously as I walk away.


I come back five minutes later with a bag of ice on my hand, attempting to alleviate the dull ache that’s present where her teeth sank into my skin.


Thank god I came back from the annual Officer’s Ball early, or she would have obtained classified information about my latest case.


She’s huddled on the floor, hazel eyes staring up at me angrily in the dark, illuminated only by the sliver of light shining from the crack underneath the door. My eyes adjust to the dark, and I can see the silhouette of her features through the woolen cap.


“Are you going to let me go?”


“You were trying to rob my house.”


“I didn’t know you were home!”


“Tough luck, sweetheart.”


I walk up to her, my nose nearly touching hers, and I tug the monkey cap off her head swiftly, tossing it to the floor.


A stream of long, dark hair tumbles out, and it smells distinctly like cherries as it falls around my fingers. Her lips are full, inviting me to kiss her senseless until they’re swollen and tingling, and I can feel her breathing softly against my face.

I am not supposed to be this attracted to a thief.


I step back hastily, the tight pants of my uniform already feeling tighter as the blood rushes down. I’m unsettled by the way this girl has managed to turn me on, without even touching me.


I snap off the shining stars on my shoulders, unbuttoning the top two buttons of my shirt. I can feel her eyes on my back, burning me with her gaze.


Her heated gaze follows my biceps, before trailing down my back to rest just below my belt, and it’s clear that her eyes have adjusted to the low light. She flicks her gaze to mine for a second, and I recognize the desire even in the darkness. I can feel the blood pumping in my veins, and I fight to keep control as I turn around to face her.


I see her eyes drop to my arousal, and she looks back up at me appreciatively. I ignore her, and bring my face close to hers, noting the quickening breathing and the heaving of her chest.


“Who are you working for?”


She juts her chin out defiantly, looking me directly in the eye.


“I would never tell you.”


My finger slides down her arm slowly, and I hear her sharp intake of breath as she shifts back away from me.


“No? You won’t tell me?”




Our eyes lock, and I’m held captive by the hazel eyes swirling with what I can only describe as want.


Before I can react, she lifts her head and presses her lips to mine in an intense, powerful kiss. My hands slip against the slick, hardwood floor, and I fall against her in my shock.


It doesn’t take me long to respond, sliding my hands down her waist as I swing my other leg over her body, straddling her. The kiss grows desperate as she bites down lightly on my lips, eliciting a groan from me.


Her dress slides down, revealing breasts are encased in the thin, black lace of a strapless bra. I cup her breasts in my hand, kneading it roughly as she moans in pleasure.


My tongue flicks against the peak, and it buds instantly underneath the thin cloth. I pull at the curve of her breast gently with my teeth, leaving marks that I know will be visible in the morning.


I don’t notice her reaching for my belt, pulling it off and tossing it into a corner. The metal clatters against the floor, surely leaving dents, but the need to have her is so overpowering that I don’t care.


She tugs at the stubborn zipper as my hands slip up her legs, the flimsy nylon of her dress fluttering lightly over my straying fingers. I come up against the lace of her panties, and I push it aside to slide my fingers into her.


She cries out underneath me, her hips bucking against my hand as I slip my fingers into her again, rubbing in teasing circles. Her hands reach blindly for the waist of my pants, tugging them down with my boxers to my knees.


Her hands close around me, and my own fingers still in surprise. The sensation courses through me, and my eyes close as I bite back a strangled groan. She strokes me again, her small fingers shamelessly taunting the way I did to her. I feel myself reaching a peak, and I grasp her hand to stop her movements.


“Not yet.”


My breath is ragged as I settle myself over her. I push into her slowly, and she wiggles her hips impatiently around me. It takes all of my control not to take her fast and hard against the floor, but I have to do this if I want answers.


“Are you trying to tease me or fuck me?”


The dirty phrase from her lips nearly causes me to give in, but I steel myself at the last second, refusing to give her the upper hand. I pull out and thrust back in again, keeping the pace torturously slow.


“Tell me who you’re working for.”


She gasps, reaching for me to tug me down to her. I look directly into her eyes as I pull out once more. I’m barely in her, and I can feel the friction pressing against me, teasing me as much as I am her.




I move slightly further in, and she thrusts her hips against me, trying to force the pace.


“Tell me.”


She looks like she’s about to give in, and I smile in satisfaction as I prepare to finally give into the desperation.


But at the last second, her eyes turn steely, and she reaches down to brush her fingers against me. The unexpected feeling of her fingers causes me to slip, and I fall against her. Her lips brush my ear as she whispers in my ear, taunting me for my mistake.


“Not if I ever have a say in it.”


I growl in frustration and thrust into her hard, sending her sliding against the floor. She sobs against me, her head falling back against the floor as I continue to pound into her.


I feel her clench around me, and I hold myself back as her keening cry of pleasure pierces the air. With one last thrust, I collapse against her, my entire body slicked in sweat, my uniform sticking to my skin.


I pull myself out of her, and she tugs her dress down as she tosses her ruined panties into a corner. She slips out of the door as I stand in the middle of the dark closet, still reeling from what just happened.


She pauses at the door, her back to me as she tiptoes out, the monkey cap in her hands.




I walk into work the Monday morning, throwing my coat against my chair in frustration.


It’s been three days, and I can’t get the feeling of her off of me. I don’t even know her name, and don’t even know what she really looks like. All I can remember are those damned hazel eyes, clouded over in desire.


I step into the interrogation room, the harsh fluorescent lights adding to my pounding headache.


I sit down with the file, looking up across the table to see who I’m talking to today.


Amused, hazel eyes meet me from the other side, with legs covered in tight, dark blue jeans resting on top of the table confidently as she smirks at me.


“Khushi Gupta. I don’t believe we’ve met.”


-*Part Two*-

The satisfied, confident smirk on her face makes me want to wipe it right off. I know I can’t say anything, or I risk revealing what happened between us last night.


I grit my teeth and smile at her tightly. She smiles back sweetly, acting perfectly innocent.


“Ms. Gupta, what were you doing Friday night between the hours of 10:30 and 12?”


I know that’s exactly when we had our encounter, and that she’s innocent of the murder. I slide the picture of the man in front of her, and she flinches slightly.


So she knows him.


“I was… busy.”


“Busy? With what?”


Her eyes flash in warning, since it’s in both of our interests to keep our history quiet. But I can’t resist poking the bear with the stick, especially when she has that look of superiority on her face.


“I was with someone.”




“That is what I said.”


I narrow my eyes at her tone, not appreciating the way she’s undermining my position of power.


“Can this someone corroborate your story?”


Her eyes hold a challenge as she leans over the table slightly, and my eyes drop down to where her v neck has slid down, revealing the tips of the same, black lacy bra. I shift in my seat to alleviate the immediate tightening, and curse the effect she has on me.


When I look back up at her, I can see that she knows her action has had an effect. She looks incredibly satisfied with herself, and I feel the frustrated resentment bubble up.


“I’m sure he could.”


“What were you doing with this… someone?”


“What do you do with a partner on a Friday night, agent…?”




“Agent Raizada.”


“What I do on my Friday nights is none of your concern.”


She regards me with cool distance, and her eyes are steely when she responds.


“I was having sex.”


I grip the cool, steel table hard at her statement, completely thrown off by her candid admission. I hadn’t expected her to actually tell the truth about what she was doing.


“I was having really bad sex.”


Her addition makes my jaw drop, and my knuckles turn white with how hard I’m gripping the table. She raises an eyebrow, her gaze falling to my hands, and then looks back up at me calmly. She knows she’s unsettled me, and I hate the superiority in her eyes.




She leans back, the front two feet of her chair rising up slightly above the ground.


“Yes. He didn’t really know how to give a woman pleasure. Too desperate, too fast.”


“This interview is over.”


I storm out of the room, and my colleagues give me an odd look as I walk out.


“I’m going out for lunch. Her alibi checks out. Let her go.”



I hear the door open as she walks in, and before she can do anything, I grab her wrist, spinning her into the door as I press her up against it. Her skirt flies around me with her hair, and I’m enveloped in the scent of cherries once more. The door slams shut, the sound echoing in the hallway.


I place my hand over her mouth to cut off the scream, and she looks up at me with shock as she squirms in my grasp.


“You’re working for yourself, aren’t you?”


She stills, and I lift my hand off her mouth, keeping my body pressed into hers.


“Don’t even try and deny it, Gupta.”


“You have no proof.”


“Really? I could show you the entire list of thefts supposedly attributed to you. Pretty impressive ones too, if the intel is right that you’re behind the Rembrandt theft that went cold. That’s why you were after my laptop, isn’t it?”


“You caught me in the wrong position.”


“You certainly need to be taught a lesson on lying, Gupta. Is that even your name?”


“Lying? My entire life is based off a lie, Raizada, if you’re correct. Where would you begin to teach me?”


“I know just where to start. What did you say I was? ‘Too desperate, too fast’?”


I grind my hips against her once, making sure she can feel my arousal as her eyes flutter shut.




“I’ll just have to take you slowly then, won’t I?”


She sucks in a breath when I step away from her, wrapping her arms around herself.


“I’m going to wait until you’re trembling and begging for me to take you hard, right up against this door.”


Her eyes fly up to mine, and she shifts her legs, pressing them together. I drop my eyes down once, before meeting her tortured gaze again.


“You’re wet, aren’t you?”


She doesn’t say anything, biting her lip and looking away.


I lean in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. I move my lips down her cheek and across her jaw, trailing feather light kisses all over her face. I suck gently on her earlobe, watching in satisfaction as the goosebumps erupt on her arms.


“W-what are you- oh!”


Her question fades into a gasp as I sink my teeth into her neck, soothing the mark with my tongue. She grips my shoulders tightly, her nails digging in through my shirt. I blow a stream of cool air on the spot, which is already beginning to turn light purple.


Her breath comes out in ragged pants, and her lips are parted as she sinks into the door. I press my lips to her in a soft, slow kiss, pulling back to kiss her again and again until her lips are swollen and pouted.


My thumbs tease the peaks of her breast, and I bring my tongue to join my fingers. I drop between her legs, hiking up her skirt. Her simple, cotton panties are not what I expect, but they’re alluring as I shift the damp cloth to rub against her.


I avoid the sensitive tip, barely touching her as she writhes underneath me. My breath is cool against her, and she thrusts forward in surprise when she feels it. My tongue moves slowly, gently moving with my fingers. Her hips move desperately, trying to get relief from the ache.


My last name is a cry on her lips as she pleads with me to give her more. I finally brush my tongue against her, and she sobs in relief, her cries ringing in my ears. I give her more, my tongue moving slightly faster until she comes apart, nearly sliding down to the floor.


I lift her up as I stand, my hands pulling her legs around my waist. I drive into her with long, slow strokes, and her legs tighten around me. She’s almost trembling in my grasp, her body still shaking from the force of the peak.


“Raizada, please-”




She gasps as I push in deep, her hands clutching my collar as she tugs me down into a fierce kiss. I increase my pace, and the doorknob jingles behind us as her hands rake down my back. I suckle on her pulse point, earning a low, guttural moan, her hips moving in tandem with mine.


I slow my pace torturously as I sense her approaching a peak once more, and she whimpers in despair, wiggling her hips as she tries to get the friction she desires.


“Say my name, Gupta.”


She shakes her head once, and I pull out, ignoring her cry of displeasure.


“Arnav. Say it.”


She gives me a single, smoldering look that drains all the blood from my head, and cries my name in a piercing scream just as I thrust into her, completely letting go.


I can’t even recognize my own groan of satisfaction, barely holding her up against the door as my knees threaten to give out. We sink down to the floor together, trembling and breathing heavily.


I lift her up and carry her to the bed, placing her on it gently. She curls up, her hands tightly entwined in mine. She tugs me towards her, and I lean in to hear her whisper, her voice husky.


“Best sex I’ve ever had, Raizada.”


I can’t stop the smirk that curves my lips as I step away, preparing to leave. My hand pauses on the doorknob, and I turn to look at her. Her gaze is slightly glassy, and our eyes meet.


I take a deep breath in, knowing I won’t regret my next words.


“Turn yourself in, and work with the me to help catch other thieves like you. You’re incredibly skilled at your job, and you’d be an invaluable resource because you know what they’re thinking.”


She laughs lightly, and I turn to leave, expecting her to turn me down.


“Would I get handcuffs?”


A chuckle escapes me, and I grin as I walk out of the door.


“Turn yourself in, and we’ll see about those handcuffs. All I ask is that you let me help you… break them in.”



Note: On a scale to Snape’s love for Neville to Snape’s love for Lilly, tell me what you thought. And to the person behind this, ab bolo- did I succeed?